Saturday, December 26, 2009

One of the many benefits of an online tutorial

I haven't been able to dedicate enough time toward learning how to strum. Luckily, I do not have my master breathing down my neck about the progress (or lack of it).

I do intend to get back to my lessons full time starting the first week in Jan; and my apologies to everyone who was looking forward to my Rome.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rome was not Built in a Day

That's pretty much what I'm telling myself when I think about how long it might be before I play my first song.

This here in me trying to better the way the computer's camera picks up the guitar's sound. A little headphone here.
Not perfect, but will eventually get there.

Here is me strumming the eight notes, and then following my master's instructions to play around. Not a good job I'm afraid, but hell, Rome really wasn't built in a jiffy.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A start, finally

12 Dec. 09

Just got my access to ‘guitarsuperstars’; my first guitar guide.

Not knowing what to expect, finding different masters to choose from comes as quite a pleasant surprise. So these guitar gurus are masters of their respective genres, and I definitely will be referring to all of them at some point or the other.

I’m starting with Chris Nicholson, a master in the classical and acoustic forms of guitar playing. Having gone through the first two video tutorials, I know what the different strings are called (E,A,D,G,B, and E again), how to 'pluck' on the strings, and the basic 'good' guitar playing posture.

I now need to master playing the eight different notes that I’ve seen played using the first three strings, and once I’m done doing that, we’re on to the next level. Until then, it’s G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G.